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Tehilla Kanter

FYHS Hosts 43rd Annual Siyum and Award Ceremony

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

On June 18th, FYHS held its Annual Siyum and Award Ceremony. The night kicked off with a Father-Son Masechtathon, where many fathers and sons joined together to learn and complete Maseches Tamid.

Afterwards, the talmidim and their families enjoyed a delicious buffet in the dining hall, followed by the siyumim. Over 54 students finished Maseches Tamid, 18 completed Maseches Megillah, and 14 completed Maseches Rosh Hashana!

After some lively dancing, we wished a heartfelt thank you and farewell to our departing Rebbeim and teachers. We wish the best of luck to Mr. Passman, Rabbi Zucker, Rabbi Schecter, and Rabbi Kupchik on all their future endeavors!

The highlight of the night was the siyum and award ceremony, where we honored our outstanding seniors for all their hard work and effort. A big Mazel Tov to Noam Landman, our Bachur of the Year!

We're so proud of our seniors and all they have accomplished over their time at the Yeshiva wish them much future success and growth as Bnei Torah.

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