Where do you live:
I live in Neve Tzuf
Tell us about your family:
I'm married to Shulamith and I have 5 children & 15 grandchildren כן ירבו
Occupation (outside of the army):
I am a Manager
Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit:
Neve Tzuf פלוגת טלמונים גדוד 8881
What gives you chizuk during your army service:
Knowing that we are fighting a מלחמת מצוה
Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva:
The Purim Shpiel, ice skating behind the dorm, Jones, Jewel, WRP, never ending softball games, dorm life, the bookstore, shiur, etc.
Anything else you want share:
Waiting for everyone here!