Where do you live:
I live in Shaalvim.
Tell us about your family:
I am married to Aviva (Kanter), and we have three children: Avigayil- 6, Yocheved- 3, and Avraham- 8 months.
Occupation (outside of the army):
I am a Rebbe in Yeshiva Shaalvim, psychology student.
Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit:
Gdud 7491 in the southern Golan Heights.
What gives you chizuk during your army service:
The privilege to stand guard over עמנו וערי אלוקינו, and the encouragement of my family despite their personal sacrifice.
Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva:
Our senior trip to Denver. But really I have too many good memories to point out one. I loved my time in the Yeshiva. And our class group is still very close bH.
Anything else you want to share:
People living in chu"l should know: We always welcome anyone who feels they can make aliyah. But if your place is in chu"l right now- your support in any and every way possible is really tangibly felt here. The outpouring of love and support from the Diaspora in every possible way since the beginning of the war has been overwhelming and inspiring. We feel it. It makes a difference. We know we are not alone. Thank you.