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Tehilla Kanter

HTC Welcomes Dr. Elliot Bartky as New Dean of Men’s College

Hebrew Theological College is pleased to welcome Elliot Bartky, PhD, as the new dean of its men’s college program.

Dr. Bartky brings more than 35 years of experience in higher education to his role with HTC. He is currently an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Political Science at Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he served as an assistant professor, and subsequently as an associate professor, from 1988-2019. He also taught for twenty years at the University of Notre Dame as an adjunct professor in its Program of Liberal Studies.

Dr. Bartky’s publications include articles and essays on religion and politics, American political thought, ancient political thought, and Jewish political thought. In addition to his academic work, he founded the Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana (JAACI), has written many public essays, lectured on Israel and Judaism, and introduced two laws against BDS passed by the Indiana State Legislature.

“We are thrilled to have someone of Dr. Bartky’s caliber to lead our men’s college program,” said HTC CEO Rabbi Shmuel Schuman. “As a member of our community, he understands HTC’s culture and our students’ interests and goals. At the same time, his vast experience in a public university system will undoubtedly bring a fresh perspective to our program. We look forward to his contributions and his leadership.”

Dr. Bartky began his new position with HTC on July 1. He may be reached at For more information about HTC's men's college programs, please contact Rabbi Josh Zisook at

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