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Hebrew Theological College Joins Touro College & University System

Uniting and strengthening both institutions

In 2015, the Hebrew Theological College officially joined the Touro College and University System (TCUS), an affiliation which has and will continue to strengthen both institutions by coordinating and leveraging the respective resources of each.

Through this partnership, a pathway will be created for qualified HTC graduates to gain preferred acceptance into Touro graduate and professional schools; HTC students will, in time, have enhanced course offerings on campus; and access to Touro’s Division of Online Education and Touro University Worldwide. “The fundamental principles on which HTC and Touro were founded are closely aligned—strengthening the Jewish community and a commitment to academic excellence,” according to Dr. Alan Kadish, president and CEO of TCUS. Said Brian Levinson, chairman of the HTC board of directors, “HTC is very excited to move forward with the Touro partnership. The opportunities presented to HTC, the Chicago community and the Midwest, through the talent and expertise offered by this collaboration, will have a profound impact.” Pictured above (l-r): Rabbi Moshe D. Krupka, executive vice president of TCUS; Melvin Ness, senior vice president and CFO of TCUS; Rabbi Shmuel L. Schuman, interim CEO and chancellor of HTC; Dr. Alan Kadish; Brian Levinson; Michael Newman, senior vice president, general counsel and chief compliance officer of TCUS; and David Raab, executive vice president of TCUS.

About the Touro College and University System Touro is a system of non-profit institutions of higher and professional education. Touro College was chartered in 1970 primarily to enrich the Jewish heritage, and to serve the larger American and global community. Approximately 19,000 students are currently enrolled in its various schools and divisions. Touro College has branch campuses, locations and instructional sites in the New York area, as well as branch campuses and programs in Berlin, Jerusalem, Moscow, Paris and Florida. New York Medical College, Touro University California and its Nevada branch campus, as well as Touro University Worldwide and its Touro College Los Angeles division are separately accredited institutions within the Touro College and University System. For further information on Touro College, please go to:

About the Hebrew Theological College Hebrew Theological College, founded in 1921, is committed to producing Torah-imbued college graduates who will serve the Jewish community and humanity through their professional and personal vocations. Hebrew Theological College provides coursework leading to undergraduate degrees in Judaic Studies, Accounting, Business, Education, English, Health Sciences, Psychology and Speech and Language Pathology. In addition to the two college divisions – the Men’s Beis Midrash/College program and the Blitstein Teachers Institute for Women - Hebrew Theological College also includes the Fasman Yeshiva High School preparatory division for young men. Hebrew Theological College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, and a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community. For more information on Hebrew Theological College, please go to

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