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Tehilla Kanter

FYHS Talmidim Deliver Chaburas to Classmates

Updated: Jan 17, 2024

We are proud of the 34 talmidim (and counting!) who have prepared and delivered their chaburas so far this year!

FYHS takes great pride in our successful chaburas so far! Be'ezras Hashem throughout the rest of the year each student will have several opportunities to deliver a chabura to his class. With the help of our dedicated Rebbe, Rabbi Haskell, each student will delve into the depths of a sugya to develop, shape, and bring out his own points, sharpening his skills in learning be'iyun. Finally, he will deliver a chabura to his class that explains his analysis of the sugya. By learning and then sharing his learning, each student will advance his own gemara and public speaking skills!

We look forward to a continuing this year of learning and growth!

Click below to watch our video about this incredible initiative:


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