An update from Dean of Blitstein Institute, Dr. Chani Tessler:

During this past month I spent time meeting potential students in Eretz Yisrael and across the Midwest. In Eretz Yisrael, I was moved by seeing Chicago girls in the many seminaries who are thriving, growing, and beginning to think about the future. We hosted a beautiful evening of Torah and discussions with over 50 girls from across the Midwest. Many asked for guidance and advice.
We are blessed to have Zehava Reischer as our Israel Liaison on the ground. While our international visits are energizing and uplifting for the students, Zehava has the unique ability to have ongoing meetings with our Israel Option students, Chicago girls, and girls from across the US, all year long. She meets them for coffee, muffins, sushi – and great chats! Zehava, Blitstein Class ’19, is completing her CPA examinations while being a wife and mother in Eretz Yisrael.
We are so grateful to be warmly welcomed and embraced in the cities across the Midwest. We recently visited Atlanta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Minneapolis, Phoenix, and St. Louis. I was given the lovely opportunity to speak to the students and connect to them with Divrei Torah lichvod Purim with discussions of the special middah of “shtika” and the meaning of a true “kesser melucha” for Esther Hamalka. At these schools, the girls were excited to discuss their future goals as they imagine themselves as the next generation of “Nashim and Imahos b”Yisrael” with sheifos of building true Torah homes while achieving a successful and meaningful education and profession.